To Drink or Not To Drink Coffee?

That is the question I get from some of my clients. My answer is: “​Well… it depends.” For many people one or two cups of coffee per day is OK, especially if it’s black coffee. What we put in the coffee matters a lot, so the cream, sugar, artificial sweeteners, syrups are not recommended. I

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month and instead of talking about anxiety and depression, I decided to touch on an omnipresent symptom: STRESS. Do you know that stress affects everything in your life, from blood pressure to hormonal health, from hair loss to weight gain? And as they say, the only people that have no

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Food for the Soul

With frigid temperatures and short days, we tend to navigate towards rich and sugary foods. Holiday time seems to be a big wave of cookies, cakes and all kinds of treats. I hear from my clients how the break rooms at work are filled with treats every day. Now that is past the beginning of

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My 14 Day Reset

I’m on day 12 of the reset diet and feel great! How can I feel great when I can’t have sugar, alcohol, coffee, dairy, egg or gluten? Well, I guess my body likes the stuff I can have, the good, clean, made from scratch food. I’ve been busier nowadays, with a lot of food planning,

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Magnesium – a Marvelous Mineral

Did you know that magnesium is crucial to the body’s function? Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong and the heart rhythm steady. It contributes to decreasing swelling and inflammation. But did you also know there is a correlation between the lack of magnesium and increased symptoms of depression and anxiety? Here is an interesting

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Moving in Winter

Humans are not made to hibernate. But often time the couch wins over the boots. The days are short, the temperatures are low and we would rather gather in front of the TV with a beer and a bag of chips. As January is in full swing, I find an abundance of beauty outside. The

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September is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

September is Alzheimer’s awareness month and as you probably know, there are some alarming statistics about this debilitating condition! According to the Alzheimer’s Disease International by 2050, “the number of people living with dementia around the world will have almost tripled to 152 million, making the disease one of the most significant health and social crises

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May Is the Month of SUNSHINE!

If you follow the health experts or even if you don’t care about their opinion, but you pay attention to some old human practices, you know how important the sun is for us. Just look at the Egyptians or the Mayans and then you realize how the sun was treated as the highest level deity.

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The Power of Routine

We don’t need a lot of science to tell us that we are creatures of habit. The majority of us get up, follow our morning routine, go to work or school at a certain time, come back home and settle into our evening rhythm day after day. Our bodies and especially our minds crave routine

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For a Healthy Heart…Brush Your Teeth!

As a health coach I deal with a lot of people that are at risk of heart disease or have already been diagnosed with a heart problem. We talk about cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and of course how to improve these numbers via life style changes. But did you know that poor oral health is

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