The 14 Day Cleanse
Your body is bombarded every day by pollutants, toxins, stress and other negative factors. Don’t panic, your body also has an innate ability to heal!
Let’s ease into that process by cleansing it! You will be eating super clean and also avoiding allergens. You will get over your cravings by day 3 and your body will thank you!
Let me help you jumpstart your journey!

Team, Group or Corporate
The Sugar Talk
Are you the kind of person that starts the day with a latte and muffin? Do you have candy bars in your desk drawer or need to reach for a soda or energy drink to overcome that 3pm slump? Empty calories from sugary desserts and drinks are the fastest way to stop your health goals in their tracks. In this one-hour seminar, you will learn:
- Why you crave sugar at certain times
- Why those cravings feel out of control
- How to overcome the sugar temptation
Simple Meal Planning
Tired of feeling unprepared at dinner time and reaching for the first thing you find in your pantry or on your counters? Break the pattern of “I eat what I see.” Simple meal preparation can help you stay on track with healthy food choices.
You will learn to prepare meals that:
- Balance your plate with lean protein, nutrient-dense carbs, and healthy fats
- Feature ingredients that support healthy gut bacteria
- Use staple foods

Mindful Eating
Do you know that how you eat is as important as what you eat? Mindful eating is about hitting the pause button during meal time. It’s saying no to distractions and yes to enjoying the taste, smell, and color of your food. When you take a moment to truly appreciate your meal, it is easier to make healthier choices, avoid overeating, and resist cravings. Learn how balanced digestion can maximize your metabolic power.
Groups and Venues Coach Alina has shared her Wellness Talks with:
- Beyond Rubies Conference
- Keller Williams Legacy Group
- Professional Women’s Network
- Project Management Institute IA Chapter
- New Pioneer Coop
- Natural Grocers
- Rotary Club
- Iowa Fluid Power

Let me help your group or organization with their journey!